  1. Overview
    1. Terminology
      1. Travel Guide
      2. Travel guides describe possible things to do and places to see on a trip with optional schedules.

      3. Travel Journal
      4. Travel journals document what was actually done and seen on a trip at specific times.

      5. Destination
      6. Destinations are places about which a guide is about e.g. a city, multiple cities, a country etc.

      7. Places
      8. The term “Place” is used to generically refer to locations, paths, and areas, and all three appear together in the Places list.

      9. Locations
      10. Locations are points on the map e.g. hotel, attraction, etc.

      11. Paths
      12. Paths are lines on a map e.g. driving or walking directions

      13. Areas
      14. Areas are multiple locations on a map that define an area e.g., neighborhoods.

      15. Groups
      16. Groups and categories together help to categorize places and enable searching and filtering. By convention, a group is at a higher level. For example, you can have a group be a neighborhood (e.g., downtown) and a category be a restaurant. So that you can easily find all the "restaurants downtown". A place can have multiple groups and multiple categories. For example, a second category can be Italian restaurant, so that you can easily find all restaurants, or all the "Italian restaurants downtown".

      17. Categories
      18. See Groups above.

      19. Event
      20. An event is an activity with; a start and end date and time. For example, “Lunch on July 12 between 12 and 1”.  An event can have multiple places associated with it. An event can contain user specified HTML content. A guide can have multiple events. Events belong to a specific schedule.

      21. Schedule
      22. A Guide has one default schedule called “Main”, and other schedules can be added. A schedule contains one or more events. For example, “One-day Tour”, “Two-day Tour” etc.

      23. Itinerary
      24. An Itinerary is the HTML version of a schedule, which is scrollable, zoomable and interactive.

      25. Chapters
      26. A book contains chapters, which contain sections. Andiamo Places uses the book metaphor to organize HTML content. Sections are used to store HTML content and chapters are convenient folders to store the sections in. The chapters are for the benefit of the guide creator and the user does not really interact with them. The guide user sees the content which the guide creator makes available to the user via HTML and links to internal HTML (i.e. sections), or external HTML (i.e. URLs).

      27. Sections
      28. Sections are organized under chapters and is where the guide creator creates and stores HTML content that he later wants to show the user via HTML links.

    2. Quick tour
      1. The Andiamo Places app allows anyone to create Travel Guides & Travel Journals for Free. This is useful for trip planning, efficient trip execution, to document and archive what you did on the trip and to show your friends what you did on your trip.
      2. When you first launch the app, you will be in "Guest Mode" because you have not registered or logged in.
      3. In guest mode, you can view content and even make changes, but only locally because you cannot store any content in the cloud until we can identify who you are. Local content is lost when the app restarts.
      4. To gain full functionality, you can register and login for free.
      5. When logged in, you can create your own content by either copying an existing guide, using "Copy Guide" or creating a new guide, using "New Guide".
      6. To learn how to add content to a guide see section on Create a New Guide
      7. The starting screen of the app is the Home screen. The Home screen contains HTML content that you can edit. It can be used as a launching pad for other HTML content e.g. Table Of  Contents, or as the main HTML content e.g. Journal.
      8. You can view a list of the places in the"Places" screen. From here you can filter places, sort places or add new places.
      9. You can seethe places on a map in the"Map" screen. From here you can filter places, add new places, search for new places and interact with the map.
      10. You can see the schedules and events in the"Schedules" screen. From here you can filter events. add events, manage different schedules etc.
      11. You can purchase travel related tickets from the"Tickets" screen

    3. Navigation
    4. The bottom navigation bar is used to navigate between the main application screens: Home, Places, Map, Schedules, and Tickets. Navigation is also possible when clicking on some HTML links, or when selecting menu items. Note that for most dialogs, the back arrow at the upper left is to cancel and exit, the check mark is to make the changes and exit.

  2. Login
    1. Guest Mode
    2. When you launch the Andiamo Places mobile app. If you are not logged in, you are in guest mode. As a guest, you can do almost anything that a logged in user can do, but since we don’t know who you are, you cannot do anything that requires saving changes to the cloud. For example, Save guide, Copy guide, New guide and review guide.

    3. Register
    4. You do not need to register to view guides, however you do need to register and then login to create and save your own guides

    5. Login
    6. Before you can login you need to register. You do not need to login to view guides; however, you do need to login to create and save your own guides

    7. Logout
    8. You can logout to add security to the guides that you own.

    9. Forgot Password/Reset Password
    10. If you registered by providing a password (i.e., did not use Facebook) and you forget your password, we can reset it. Remember that if you register using the Facebook credentials, we cannot provide a forgot password feature.

    11. User details
    12. The user details screen displays user information like user id, email, first name and last name.

    13. Settings
    14. From Settings you can set preferences like; distance unit, date format, edit mode, and advanced mode.

  3. Home Screen
  4. The home screen (except for the top and bottom application bars) is HTML which is customizable by the user. The content creator can edit the HTML and add links or embedded content. Common uses for the “Home” page are; table of contents or main content of the journal. Note that HTML can link to other HTML by using links to sections.
    1. User
      1. Login
      2. Register
      3. Logout
      4. Reset Password
      5. User details
      6. Content Font Zoom
      7. Settings
      8. Upload Images

    2. Guide
      1. Refresh Guide
      2. Travel Wizard
      3. Guide Creator
      4. Create Journal from Photos
      5. Rate this Guide
      6. Guide Info
      7. WhatsApp guide link
      8. Email guide link
      9. Launch in Web App
      10. Guide Settings
      11. Translate Guide

    3. Edit
      1. Edit Home content
      2. Edit Chapters/Sections
      3. Edit Groups
      4. Edit Categories
      5. Edit Guide Properties
    4. File
      1. Save Guide to cloud
      2. Save Guide to Device
      3. New Guide
      4. Copy Guide
      5. Overwrite Guide
      6. Open Guide Using ID
      7. Import Places from KML/KMZ/GPX/TCX

    5. Info
      1. About
      2. Help Videos
      3. FAQs
      4. Help
      5. Guidelines
      6. Data Security
      7. Web Site
      8. Contact us

  5. Places Screen
  6. The places screen contains a list of places (remember that includes paths and areas). From this screen one can filter by text, add new places, filter places and sort places. When the places are filtered, the filter icon color changes to yellow.
    1. Back arrow
      1. Go back to previous screen

    2. Edit
      1. Add to Groups
      2. Remove from Groups
      3. Set to Groups
      4. Add to Categories
      5. Remove from Categories
      6. Set to Categories
      7. Mark Places Favorite
      8. Mark Places Visited
      9. Mark Places as 'Must See'
      10. Show/Hde Places
      11. Create Events from Places
      12. Set Place Link
      13. Delete Places

    3. Filter
      1. Text Filter
      2. Only Favorites
      3. Only Visited
      4. Only Not Visited
      5. Only Must See
      6. Only Search Results
      7. Filter by days
      8. Filter by Schedules
      9. Filter by Places
      10. Filter by Place Type
      11. Filter by Groups
      12. Filter by Categories
      13. Filter by Distance
      14. Hide Search Results
      15. Hide Specific Groups
      16. Show hidden places
      17. Show All

    4. Sort
      1. Sort by Name
      2. Sort by Category
      3. Sort by Group
      4. Sort by Rating
      5. Sort by Distance
      6. Sort by Date

  7. Map Screen
  8. The map screen displays the places on a map (remember that includes paths and areas). From this screen one can filter by text, add new places, filter places, and interact with the map. When the places are filtered, the filter icon color changes to yellow.
    1. Back arrow
      1. Go back to previous screen

    2. Search
      1. Google text Search
      2. Google category search
      3. Search in Google Maps
      4. Wikipedia text search
      5. Flickr text search
      6. AI Search
      7. Search in Foursquare app
      8. Search in Yelp app
      9. Search in Happy Cow app

    3. Add
      1. Add place
      2. Add path
      3. Add area
      4. Import KML, KMZ...
      5. Create Places from Photos

    4. Filter
      1. Text Filter
      2. Only Favorites
      3. Only Visited
      4. Only Not Visited
      5. Only Must See
      6. Only Search Results
      7. Filter by days
      8. Filter by Schedules
      9. Filter by Places
      10. Filter by Place Type
      11. Filter by Groups
      12. Filter by Categories
      13. Filter by Distance
      14. Hide Search Results
      15. Hide Specific Groups
      16. Show hidden places
      17. Show All

    5. Menu
      1. Get current location
      2. Center to current Location
      3. Track my location
      4. Fit All Places
      5. Satellite View
  1. Schedule Screen
  2. The schedules screen displays the events for the selected schedule. Events can be filtered by text; new events can be added and existing events can be modified.
    1. Back arrow
      1. Go back to previous screen

    2. Filter
      1. Filter events by text

    3. Add
      1. Displays the add event dialog

    4. Menu
      1. Choose Schedule
      2. Delete Schedule
      3. Add Schedule

  3. Tickets Screen
  4. The tickets screen displays the various links for purchasing travel tickets. There is no obligation to buy, but the small commission helps to keep this app free.

  5. How to
    1. Register
      1. From Home screen, click on User icon
      2. If "Register" is not in the list then you are already logged in
      3. Click on "Register

    2. Login
      1. From Home screen, click on User icon
      2. If "Login" is not in the list then you are already logged in
      3. Click on "Login"

    3. Logout
      1. From Home screen, click on User icon
      2. If "Logout" is not in the list then you are already logged out

    4. Reset Password
      1. From Home screen, click on User icon
      2. Click on "Reset Password"
      3. Enter your email address
      4. Click on "Forgot Password"

    5. Select a Guide to View
      1. Click the View menu on the Guides icon
      2. Select either "View My Guides" or "View Featured guides" or "View Shared Guides".
      3. Click on the desired guide
      4. Note: you can also selectfrom the vertical menu on the left side if displayed.

    6. Create new Empty Guide
      1. From the Home screen click on the File icon
      2. Click on "New Guide"
      3. The new guide will be created
      4. Make sure to save it to the cloud

    7. Copy a Guide
      1. From the Home screen click on the File icon
      2. Click on "Copy Guide"
      3. The new guide will be opened
      4. Make sure to save it to the cloud

    8. Create a Guide using ChatGPT artificial intelligence
      1. From the Home screen click on the Guide icon
      2. Click on "Guide Creator"
      3. Select the options and click "Create"

    9. Get answers from ChatGPT
      1. From the Home screen click on the Guide icon
      2. Click on "Travel Wizard"
      3. Select the optionsi.e.number, proximity, city, and country
      4. Select Question

    10. Create Journal from Photos
      1. Note: photos must contain exif data (location and date)
      2. Note: before selecting the photos you can rename them to make the journal more readable
      3. From the Home screen click on the Guide icon
      4. Select the photos
      5. Click the checkmark

    11. Import KML, KMZ and GPX files
      1. From the "Map" screen click on the "Menu" button
      2. Select "Import KML, KMZ..."
      3. Click on "Import KML/KMZ/GPX"
      4. Click on the UP arrow icon
      5. Select the file from the dialog

    12. Create a New Guide Manually
      1. Copy an existing guide or create a new guide
      2. Edit guide info (at least: name, image and base location)
      3. Make a list of places (search the internet for suggestions. e.g. bing travel)
      4. Select the "Must See" places (from the places found, search internet for recommendations)
      5. Make a list of groups (from places list)
      6. Make a list of categories (from places list)
      7. Add/delete groups in guide. Select icon groups
      8. Add/delete categories in guide. Select icon for categories
      9. Add Locations to guide (from search, point on map, point of interest etc,
      10. Add Paths to guide from map
      11. Add Areas to guide from map
      12. Add groups, categories and "Must See" flag to places. Select icon only to override group and category icon.
      13. Note, you can use the 'Filter places in area" to expedite grouping and tagging
      14. Search for or create itineraries (e.g. from bing travel)
      15. Add events to schedule
      16. Add place(s) visited during each event
      17. Create Chapters and Sections (optional, used as HTML content)
      18. Edit Home screen (optional, can be used like a table of contents for quick links to data or as the main travel journal)
      19. Set access level for guide if you want to let others view guide
      20. Remember to click on "save" periodically to save changes to the guide.

    13. Rate Guide
      1. To review a Guide you first need to download it (i.e. search and view the guide)
      2. From the "Home" screen click on the "Guide" icon
      3. Select "Rate this Guide"
      4. Provide a numerical rating by dragging your finger on the stars
      5. Provide a text comment
      6. Click on "Done" when finished or back arrow to cancel
      7. Note that only one review is allowed per user. You can modify a review if you have already submitted one.

    14. Add Place
      1. From the "Map" screen click on the marker icon in the Drawing palette
      2. Click on map
      3. Select "Stop Drawing" from the drawing palette

    15. Edit Place
      1. From the places list click on the pencil icon for the place to be edited, or the menu icon and then select "Edit attributes"

    16. Add Path
      1. Same as adding a Place, but select the "Add a Line" icon and then select a path by clicking on several spots on map.
      2. Select "Stop Drawing" from the drawing palette

    17. Add Area
      1. Same as adding a Place, but select "Add a Shape" icon and then select an area by clicking on several spots on map.
      2. Select "Stop Drawing" from the drawing palette

    18. Send email link
      1. From the "Home" screen click on the "Guide" icon
      2. Select "Email Guide Link"
      3. This will launch your email program with the URL link
      4. Enter who you want to send it to

    19. Add event
      1. From the "Schedule" screen click on the "+" icon
      2. Provide a Subject
      3. Select starting and ending date and time
      4. Selecting one or more existing places
      5. Provide optional event info
      6. Click on the check mark

    20. Edit Home Screen
      1. From the "Home" screen click on the "Edit" icon
      2. Select "Edit Home Content"
      3. Make changes to the HTML
      4. Click on the check mark

    21. Upload Images
      1. There are 2 ways to upload images. Directly via "Upload Images" from "User" -> "Upload Images" or indirectly whenever you choose an image from a folder on your phone or from your camera
      2. Using the the first method, you first upload your photo and then in a second step you use it in your guide. In the second method, you choose your photo and it gets uploaded behind the scenes. To assign a name and folder, you still need to go to "Upload Images".
      3. When you upload images they go into folders which you can name.
      4. Before uploading you can choose the folder
      5. After uploading you can set the image name (Not required)