
All Users:

· Can view all guides (theirs and those shared by others)

· Can use most functionality, but on web version cannot save, print or export guides to HTML and on mobile version they get ads, are limitted to saving only 1 guide on phone and can only upload their own guides.

Registered Users (registration is free):

· Can create their own guides and save them.  On mobile can save one guide to phone.

· On web can use photos from Flickr, Picasa, SmugMug, Ipernity or Photobucket (only public albums from Photobucket and Picasa)

· On web and Android (soon on iPhone) can Share their guides with other users.

· On web and WP7, can purchase guides sold by other members

· On web and WP7, can sell their own guides

Subscribed Users (Subscription is $4.99 per year):

· On web, can print or export to HTML or PDF their own guides and community shared guides

· Can make personal copies of community shared guides and customize them 

· On Android (soon on iPhone) can upload copies of community shared guides in addition to their own

· Save more than one guide on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone